Thursday, April 26, 2012

Michael Steele Could Profit From a Near-Earth Supernova

A near-Earth Supernova could wipe out humanity, killing us with increased radiation and cosmic ray exposure, followed by a new ice age. But just because we die off doesn't mean your portfolio can't have a fighting chance. In a blog piece I wrote for the Motley Fool Blog Network, I explain what companies you can invest in to hedge against a near-Earth supernova and possibly profit from the ensuing disaster. Companies like lead-shielding manufacturer Metalico ($MEA), cancer drug maker Celgene ($CELG), and the company that could be called on to single-handedly rebuild our food chain, Archer Daniels Midland ($ADM). The Motley Fool's own Supernova investing service can't help you, but Michael Steele can. You and I might not live long enough to enjoy the portfolio gains, but your miserable, starving, cancer-ridden, mutant progeny will inherit your profits to buy the shelter, medicine, precious nutrients, and protection from the roving bands of nomads that they desperately need for their continued survival.

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