Thursday, April 5, 2012

Michael Steele Can Defeat the Robots... On Paper

A team at MIT and UPenn is working on technology to design and print your own paper robots. But as usual, Michael Steele is more concerned about the possibility of these cheap, mass-produced robots rising up in revolt against their human masters. From the story:
Imagine a time and place where building a robot for a specific need would be as easy as heading to your local Lowe’s or Home Depot, then have the robot you need designed, printed and programmed in as little as a day. Two prototypes have been built so far: an insect-like robot for exploring dangerous areas, and a gripper device for the handicapped. [...]

Here, MIT is promising a future where we choose what we want in a robot, and the possibilities sure do seem endless. Robot slaves, anyone? I don’t know about you, but I’m getting visions of SkyNet and Judgment Day, where robots become self-aware and kill us all.

At least when the robots rise up against humanity, we'll be easily able to put down the revolt with our own arsenal of scissors.

Unless the robots are able to use their own mastery over rocks as a weapon, because that would defeat our scissors.

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