So, as a public service, I wrote a three part series for the Motley Fool Blog Network about understanding the vocabulary of government contracts for investors:
- Part 1: Fixed Price, Cost Reimbursement, and Time & Materials Contracts, including examples of recent contracts won by Lockheed Martin ($LMT), Booz-Allen Hamilton ($BAH), and SAIC ($SAI)
- Part 2: Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contracts and Modifications, with examples from ($AMZN) and Lockheed Martin ($LMT)
- Part 3: Multiple Awards, Schedules, and Government Wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs), using examples from Cubic ($CUB), CACI ($CACI), and SAIC ($SAI)
It's a departure from my usual smart-assed financial blog postings, but I promise I will get back to writing those again soon.